It is important that those families seeking the gift of these sacraments take time and make effort in preparing their children by participating in the Parish Masses and other pastoral activities provided throughout the pastoral year leading up to the celebration of the sacraments. The sacraments are much more than just a one day event or party but an ongoing encounter with the Risen Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the merciful love of Our Heavenly Father. We implore the guidance and intercession of Our Lady, St. Joseph and all the Saints as we journey together as a Faith Community at home, at church and at school. Enrolment Forms for the children, with the support of their families, who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and make their First Holy Communion, will be available after Masses next weekend or from the Parish Office during Office Hours this week and next. Enrolment weekend will take place on Sunday 5th/6th October when we will celebrate our baptismal call to Mission – You shall be My Witnesses!